
The goal of rddharmony is to implement a workflow for births, deaths and population data downloaded from the UNPD portal. This data is extracted from vital registration databases and census’ of different countries. This workflow includes extracting data from from the portal using the DDSQLtools package, harmonizing age groups, identifying full series, validating totals and by sex, eventually producing clean and harmonised datasets for each location and each data type (births, deaths or population).

rddharmony contains three major functions:


You can install the released version of rddharmony from CRAN with:


Note: This package is not yet on CRAN

And the development version from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")


DDharmonize_validate_BirthCounts() contains several arguments, the key one being locid which is the location id. Each country has a unique location id. The list of location ids can be viewed by running View(get_locations()). The location id is indicated in the PK_LocID variable.

The example below extracts Kenyan data, whose locid == 404. The output of the function is a dataset with 25 variables.

#> Loading required package: DDSQLtools
#> Loading required package: DemoTools
#> Loading required package: Rcpp
#> Loading required package: dplyr
#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#>     filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#>     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
kenya_df <- DDharmonize_validate_BirthCounts(locid = 404,
                                              process = c("census", "vr"),
                                              return_unique_ref_period = TRUE,
                                              DataSourceShortName = NULL,
                                              DataSourceYear = NULL,
                                              retainKeys = FALSE,
                                              server = "https://popdiv.dfs.un.org/DemoData/api/")
#>  https://popdiv.dfs.un.org/DemoData/api/structureddatarecords?dataProcessIds=2,36&startYear=1950&endYear=2022&indicatorIds=159,170&locIds=404&locAreaTypeIds=2&subGroupIds=2 
#>  https://popdiv.dfs.un.org/DemoData/api/datacatalogs?dataProcessTypeIds=2&locIds=404&addDefault=false 
#>  https://popdiv.dfs.un.org/DemoData/api/locations?addDefault=false&includeDependencies=false&includeFormerCountries=false 
#>  https://popdiv.dfs.un.org/DemoData/api/dataprocesses?addDefault=false 
#>  https://popdiv.dfs.un.org/DemoData/api/dataprocesstypes?addDefault=false 
#>  https://popdiv.dfs.un.org/DemoData/api/datasources? 
#>  https://popdiv.dfs.un.org/DemoData/api/datasources?dataProcessTypeIds=2,36&locIds=404&addDefault=false 
#> [1] 1
#> [1] "404 - Kenya - Census - Births - 1999 - Census - MMEIG census data compilation for maternal mortality analysis - De-facto - Recent births - Fair"
#> [1] "harmonizing vital counts by 5-year age group"
#> [1] 2
#> [1] "404 - Kenya - Census - Births - 2009 - Census - MMEIG census data compilation for maternal mortality analysis - De-facto - Recent births - Fair"
#> [1] "harmonizing vital counts by 5-year age group"
#> [1] 3
#> [1] "404 - Kenya - Census - Births - 2019 - Census - Demographic Yearbook - De-facto - Recent births - Unknown"
#> [1] "harmonizing vital counts by 5-year age group"
#> [1] 4
#> [1] "404 - Kenya - VR - Births - 2000 - Register - Demographic Yearbook - Year of occurrence - Direct - Low"
#> [1] "harmonizing vital counts by 5-year age group"
#> [1] 5
#> [1] "404 - Kenya - VR - Births - 2008 - Register - Demographic Yearbook - Year of occurrence - Direct - Low"
#> [1] "harmonizing vital counts by 5-year age group"
#> [1] 6
#> [1] "404 - Kenya - VR - Births - 2009 - Register - Demographic Yearbook - Year of occurrence - Direct - Low"
#> [1] "harmonizing vital counts by 5-year age group"
#> [1] 7
#> [1] "404 - Kenya - VR - Births - 2011 - Register - Demographic Yearbook - Year of occurrence - Direct - Low"
#> [1] "harmonizing vital counts by 5-year age group"
#> [1] 8
#> [1] "404 - Kenya - VR - Births - 2012 - Register - Demographic Yearbook - Year of occurrence - Direct - Low"
#> [1] "harmonizing vital counts by 5-year age group"
#> [1] 9
#> [1] "404 - Kenya - VR - Births - 2016 - Register - Demographic Yearbook - Year of registration - Direct - Low"
#> [1] "harmonizing vital counts by 5-year age group"
#> [1] 10
#> [1] "404 - Kenya - VR - Births - 2017 - Register - Demographic Yearbook - Year of registration - Direct - Low"
#> [1] "harmonizing vital counts by 5-year age group"
#> [1] 11
#> [1] "404 - Kenya - VR - Births - 2018 - Register - Demographic Yearbook - Year of registration - Direct - Low"
#> [1] "harmonizing vital counts by 5-year age group"
#> [1] 12
#> [1] "404 - Kenya - VR - Births - 2019 - Register - Demographic Yearbook - Year of registration - Direct - Low"
#> [1] "harmonizing vital counts by 5-year age group"
#> [1] 13
#> [1] "404 - Kenya - VR - Births - 2020 - Register - Demographic Yearbook - Year of registration - Direct - Low"
#> [1] "harmonizing vital counts by 5-year age group"
#>  Location ID:  404 
#>  Location Name:  Kenya

For a case where the user inserts an invalid location id, an informative error message is displayed.

df <- DDharmonize_validate_BirthCounts(locid = 12345678,
                                              process = c("census", "vr"),
                                              return_unique_ref_period = TRUE,
                                              DataSourceShortName = NULL,
                                              DataSourceYear = NULL,
                                              retainKeys = FALSE,
                                              server = "https://popdiv.dfs.un.org/DemoData/api/")
#>  https://popdiv.dfs.un.org/DemoData/api/structureddatarecords?dataProcessIds=2,36&startYear=1950&endYear=2022&indicatorIds=159,170&locIds=12345678&locAreaTypeIds=2&subGroupIds=2 
#>  https://popdiv.dfs.un.org/DemoData/api/locations? 
#> [1] "12345678 is not a valid location id. Please run View(get_locations()) to get a list of plausible location ids. They are listed in the `PK_LocID` variable"
#>  https://popdiv.dfs.un.org/DemoData/api/locations?